Realist, Matrix 360, and Tax Data Q&As
Q: How long does it take for a brand-new listing to appear in Realist?
A: New Coming Soon and Active status listings in the MLS will appear in Realist after 48 to 72 hours.
Q: Does internet visibility of a listing affect Realist?
A: No, internet visibility is not related to Realist.
Q: How far back do Assessment Values go in Realist?
A. Realist displays the most current three years.
Q: How can I locate older Assessment Values?
A: View the Honolulu County Real Property Assessment Division website:
Honolulu County’s website displays the most recent Assessment values within 10 years. For inquiries over 10 years, please email or call: (808)768-3980.
Q: How far back does Realist display sales history?
A: Sales in Realist mainly show as far back as the early 90s. There might be older sales. To view older sales history, one can physically visit the Real Property Assessment Division office (842 Bethel St – Basement). Call 808-768-3799 for hours and more information.
Q: In Matrix, why does it show " Foreclosure " in a Listing or Tax record? My property has never had a Foreclosure.
A: The top Tabs in Matrix are static tabs. These will remain on every property. If there are no Foreclosures on a property, Foreclosure will be a grey color, and when hovering over this tab (and any tab that does not have data) the no symbol will show.
Q: How many Labels and Exports can be generated in Realist?
A: A total maximum of 3,000 records can be displayed by a Realist search. The 3,000 results can be Exported or generated into Labels. Exports open in a CSV format. Labels open in a rich text format (RTF).
Q: How many properties can you print or email (based on the type of report)?
A: See Examples below:
“Map” (Up to 3,000 properties)
"Map & Table" and "Table" (Up to 100 properties)
“Reports” and “Cards” (Up to 25 properties)