Realist Search - Exceeds Maximum Results Pop up
In Realist 3,000 is the maximum amount for Search Results. If there are more than 3,000 results this message pops up:
Selecting “Show First 3000” means that you don’t want to refine your search, but to only pull up the first 3,000 based on your search results. You only can pull up 3,000, and no more.
To see all 3,000, the system breaks it up 1,000 at a time.
After results come up, at the bottom left of the screen, select 1,000 at a time:
Please note that “View results” shows how many matches result from a search (see example below). There is a possible max “count” of 10,000. This “Matches” count is intended to give the user a quick view of search totals so the criteria can be refined when results are very high. Even though there is a “Matches” count of 10,000, the system can only View (and/or Export or Print Labels) up to 3,000.
Settings allow you to adjust the maximum number of properties to view in the results grid:
Select the amount on the dropdown (up to 3,000)