Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale, Auction and Lender Sale Listings
If the listing is expired, and you want to report it as Sold, please submit these documents to the MLS and the Client Care Team will change the statuses for you:
- Purchase Contract
- Final Seller's Statement
- MLS Change Form:
- Complete the top section.
- Mark X in the box for Return to Active.
- Fill in the final Contract Acceptance Date for the Pending status field.
- Complete the Sold Information section.
- DR/BIC signature is required - this serves as an authorization for the MLS staff to edit the listing.
- Seller's signature is not needed on this Change Form.
Send both documents along with the change form to:
If the status was Active Under Contract or Pending before the listing expired -
You have system access to change it to Sold in Matrix. Please do not submit forms to the MLS for this data input.