Listing Property Types in the MLS
Property Type in the MLS must be the best reflection of the subject property.
MLS does not make any representations or warranties concerning the correctness or accuracy of any listing classification.
These are the property types in the MLS:
1. Single Family
2. Condo/Townhouse
4. Vacant Land
5. Commercial/Industrial
6. Multi Family
7. Business
8. Rentals
- Can I list a property as for sale and as a rental at the same time? Yes.
- Can I list a property in multiple sections in the MLS simultaneously - i.e., Market the property as a Single Family and Multi-Family? Yes. Be sure to abide by the requirements below.
For Sale listings
- Selection of the property type for additional listings should be based on the property structure and zoning.
Agent Remarks:
- Add this cross reference - i.e., "Also listed as SF - see MLS202412345"
Escrow closing:
- One listing shall be reported as Sold, and all additional listings must be changed to Cancelled status. This requirement is to ensure accurate data for comps and stats.
Listed a property in the wrong property type:
- There is no option to transfer/move the listing to another category. In this case, you must Cancel the incorrect listing, and re-input a new listing in the correct section. Be sure to use the original Listing Date for the new listing.
MLS reserves the right to resolve discrepancies related to listings in an incorrect property type.